Business Representative Wanted!

Do you have knowledge of local business issues in the Consett and surrounding areas, and some time to spare to be involved in local decision making in the area?

If the answer is yes, the Derwent Valley Partnership currently has a business representative vacancy on its Board and would to hear from you.

As one of our partner representatives (representing the local business community alongside health, housing, fire and rescue, police, voluntary and community sector and the Council), you would be required to attend six pre-scheduled Board meetings per year in a voluntary capacity.

The role is about sharing valuable knowledge and being passionate about local business and the wider community - helping to make a difference in our area.

To find out more about the role and/or to register you interest, please   contact the Derwent Valley Partnership Team at dvaap@durham.gov.uk or telephone us on 07818 510 365.


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