Yesterday we kicked off day 1 of our 'Big Ideas' event at The Greenhouse in Stanley and the feedback has been fantastic.  We are thrilled to have been able to run this as a FREE event to North East businesses due to funding provided by Supply Chain North East.

The programme included;

Lego Serious Play workshop
Delivered by Terry McStea from RTC North

The Lego Serious Play methodology is an internationally-renowned facilitated process used by organisations to generate innovative ideas for business improvement. It is a great way to enhance communication within teams, to stimulate and bring out creativity and innovation, and to develop strategies for growth. And it’s a lot of fun too!

Raving Fans - Customer service skills that will set you apart from your competitors.
Delivered by Melanie Cant, Elm Marketing Solutions

Let's put your customer service skills to the test! This interactive workshop will help you understand the value of exceptional customer service and when delivered correctly it will turn your customers into raving, spending fans!

Essential Presentation Skills for Business
Delivered by Gillian Fortune from Feel Good CiC

Everyone in business has to present themselves in some way about their business, and most people dread it, and whilst some people do it well, many not so. This workshop isn’t about mindset. No-one is born a good speaker or presenter. This session is about practical action: skills and behaviours that anyone can develop.

Day two of our 'Big Ideas' event will be held on Monday 20th June, for more details about all the free workshops available CLICK HERE.


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