Truth be told I’ve struggled to write this post . . . I struggle to write every post.  As a naturally introverted person I prefer to be invisible.  My default is to hide behind the work I do, and I like to connect with people individually through private messages.

You may think you see a lot of me on social media . . . in reality I only created 42 posts on LinkedIn last year, even though it is actually my go-to favourite platform because of all the lovely people I’m connected to.  I posted a lot less on other social media channels.

This is why I chose VISIBLE as my ‘North Star’ Word of the Year.  Instead of setting a new year’s resolution I set an intention.  A word which will empower and guide me to achieve my biggest dreams and mission help others breathe life into their valuable ideas.

I’m making this visible so you can keep me accountable, and please contact me if you can help me achieve my goals.  These are my top 3 dreams for 2023:

  • Launch The Clarity Quest online programme in North America with the SPRING23 Quest, in Australia with the SUMMER23 Quest, and for students with the AUTUMN23 Quest, as well as running parallel Quests for clients in the UK

  • Publish The Clarity Quest book and companion IdeasBook . . . then imagine if it became a ‘Best Seller’!

  • Create on-demand online courses for The Clarity Quest, Showcase Your Superpower, and The A-Z of Visible Marketing to share my insights, knowledge and wisdom globally, in a way which appeals to visual thinkers and learners.

To achieve all of this I need to make myself and what I'm creating behind the scenes more VISIBLE.  Scary but necessary because I'm determined to make 2023 my best year yet.

I'm intrigued to know if you have chosen your 'North Star' word for 2023, what is it and why?

Ann, Create Intrigue


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