Over the Summer we had some interesting projects to undertake, which included six walkover surveys in Northumberland combining to well over 1000 hectares.  Some of the sites we inspected were stunning examples, one of which was the Kettley Rock Art Shelter, Scheduled Ancient Monument List entry 1417677.  The rock art panel likely dates to the Late Neolithic or early Bronze Age, and was originally discovered in the late 20th century.  Unlike a lot of the panels we inspected in the local area that were degrading badly, the Kettley panel was shielded by the overhang of the 'shelter', thus preserving the designs to a much greater degree.

A little innovation in archaeological survey.  The Moasure One, a motion-reliant measuring tool that produces 3D line drawings in real time with on-screen measurements that can be immediately exported as an image, PDF or to CAD.

We've recently also started using the unit for updating building floorplans - we often get provided with such plans for undertaking historic building recording projects, but they're often out of date.  The Moasure One provides a very quick and accurate alternative to sometimes the laborious task of updating those plans on site.

Tony Liddell, Vindomora Solutions Ltd


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