The Derwent Valley Partnership (DVP) wants you to have your say on its community priorities for 2022 / 2023.

Our ‘Priority Survey’ is now live and you are being asked about whether you have seen changes where you live, work, go to school or volunteer, and for your thoughts on which priorities the DVP should tackle and invest in during the next financial year.

The DVP receives an annual budget to help tackle local priorities and issues so it is really important to us that we know where to target this funding, to help improve the quality of life for our local residents, and to make our area a more attractive place for those who wish to visit for recreation and/or to access services.

The DVP also has some additional funding to invest in helping to improve its towns and villages so your feedback as part of this survey will really help us understand what, if anything, will make life in your town or village better.

To have your say, please click here and scroll down to find the ‘Area Action Partnership’s’ consultation link.  When you open the survey, please select ‘Derwent Valley AAP’ from the list of areas.

Please note that our DVP area covers the main settlements of Consett, Leadgate, Delves Lane, Crookhall, Templetown, Moorside, The Grove, Medomsley, The Dene, Hamsterley Mill, Ebchester, Dipton, Burnopfield, Blackhill, Benefieldside, Bridgehill, Shotley Bridge, Low Westwood, Knitsley, Iveston, plus all smaller settlements in between!

Residents, businesses, partners and communities can have their say until 5pm on March 11, 2022.

Following the consultation, the DVP team will report the findings of the survey to its DVP Board so your feedback can help them decide which priority themes we will concentrate our efforts on for the coming year.

This information will soon feature on our Facebook page and community website, Derwent Valley Life, but we would very much appreciate your support in helping us to promote this opportunity via your own networks / social media channels.

If you have any queries regarding the survey, please contact the DVP team directly at: dvaap@durham.gov.uk or via telephone on: 07818 510 365.

Thank you in advance for helping us to help you!

Visit our Derwent Valley Life website here.

Find us on Facebook here.


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