Just flicking through my notifications on my phone this morning & I notice a new review for my business page on FaceBook.

It's from a 'gentleman' (I'm being generous!) promoting someone he knows who clearly deals in some sort of cryptocurrency.  Nothing to do with Jo Long Consulting or the marketing / strategic services that I offer.

I've done the 'right thing' by reporting the review to FB & banning him from my page, and to be honest it's not my primary platform of choice but why do people think that this is a good way to promote any business or service they are involved in?

Marketing anything you promote or sell will not work effectively with a scattergun approach.  In my opinion, he'd be better identifying his target audience, ensuring he's in the right corridors as that target audience and promoting the benefits directly to them.

But hey, that's just my marketer's view... ;-)

Jo, Jo Long Consulting


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