Exciting times. My first novel Legions of the Moon is being published in January by indy publishing house WriteSideLeft.  Also busy times, trying to get my head around the nuts and bolts of proof readings, advance reader copies, ebooks and maybe even an audio book.  And - oh yes - they like it so much they want me to do a trilogy. So - in Churchill’s words - I can allow myself only a brief period of rejoicing.  By the way, Legions of the Moon is a historical thriller set in County Durham 1,800 years ago.

Dave Whetstone of The Journal writes: "a cracking first novel'' and "well crafted tale pulsates with violence, intrigue and romance, to say nothing of complex plot twists...add to this intelligent mix a sprinkling of dry humour and you have the perfect recipe for a good read''.  But don't take his word for it, you can buy it yourself when it's published on January 31st.  Order your copy now!


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