While some sectors are riding the Covid storm reasonably well, there can be little doubt that hospitality and tourism continue to be badly hit. We'd like to see an ambitious and progressive package of support rolled-out for this sector. Irene Campbell at Derwent Manor Hotel posted this on LinkedIn over the weekend which highlights the problems and frustrations faced by many establishments at present:

"It’s been a day of mixed emotions down at Derwent Manor Hotel BW Premier Collection.

"We’ve been longing to do weddings since we reopened. We did a lovely wedding last week. This weekend was our rest before two weddings next week.

"Then BOOM. The announcement that from 28th September wedding numbers would REDUCE TO 15!

"Anyone who knows me will understand that what happened next in my office is not suitable for publication on a professional social media platform.

"Four of our upcoming weddings moved to this weekend to beat the restrictions. We’ve then lost 3 more completely, and more and more needing to move. Where does it end? If this goes on for another 6 months it will be a year since we’ve done a full wedding. A YEAR."

Irene, Derwent Manor Hotel BW Premier Collection.


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