We're still 'Good to Go'! The Heritage Centre, café shrub and all our events and activities have been fully risk assessed and we are still Covid-19 compliant as a visitor attraction.

Our heritage walks and workshops are classed as educational and/or outdoor physical activities - however, for everyone's comfort and peace of mind, each activity is pre booked with a very small group to enable social distancing at all times.  When visiting we ask that you stay within your family 'bubble' of up to 6 people and keep 2m distance from other visitors in and around the Heritage Centre.

Café shrub are operating table service for those choosing to eat in and our popular take-away service is still operating in the same way, with visitors queuing outside in the Courtyard and wearing a face covering whilst ordering food.  If you would like to visit the shop, please join the queue in the Courtyard and wear a face mask when entering the building.

Toilet facilities are accessed via the front entrance (from the main carpark) - we have provided sanitising spray and hand gel at both entrances to the Heritage Centre and have enhanced cleaning regimes which are repeated throughout the day.

We do hope you feel happy and comfortable to visit, please follow the guidelines - we hope to see you all soon.

TIME & DATE: Saturday, 17th October from 10:00-16:00
The Time Bandits: Telling the story of swords through the ages
Café shrub in the Land of Oak & Iron Heritage Centre

Come and join the amazing Time Bandits as they bring history alive with the story of swords through the ages - with live demonstrations of fighting styles and an extensive collection of swords.  The history of sword making in the Derwent Valley began in the seventeenth century when immigrant swordsmiths from Germany established a flourishing business in Shotley Bridge, where the fast flowing River Derwent provided a ready water supply and an iron-founding industry already established in the area.

The Time Bandits will show you how various swords through time were hefted, from the Siege of Troy through to the Prisoner of Zenda along with demonstrations of sword fighting!

This event will be held outside the Heritage Centre, near the Courtyard area.


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