The Small Business Leadership Programme (SBLP) is a fully-funded, 10-week training programme for senior leaders in SMEs (with 5–249 employees) to develop key skills that will help you to: build resilience; tackle the challenges faced during and after Covid-19; and drive future productivity and growth.

A range of small business experts (including entrepreneurs, business leaders and academics) from Newcastle Business School at Northumbria University will deliver this online programme to SMEs in the NorthEast and Cumbria.  SBLP provides a practical, online learning community and the skills learned can be directly applied to your organisation.  The programme is specifically designed to support and fit in as part of day-to-day business.

To find out more about the programme, eligibility and to register your interest, visit the Small Business Charter website by clicking here.

Paul Sparks, International Trade Adviser, DIT North East.


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