If you’re just starting out on your journey with video marketing, then identifying the kinds of videos you might want to create isn’t the first step you want to be taking.

Instead, our advice is to start with a solid, well-rounded, holistic video marketing strategy with realistic objectives in mind. Because, at the end of the day, if you look to create videos for your business with no understanding of what you want to achieve as an outcome, or how you want your audience to feel at the end of the footage, then the entire endeavour might just end up being pointless.

Making a good video is a lot like baking a good cake; it takes quality ingredients and plenty of delicious layers! This might sound like a bit of a ridiculous analogy, but after yesterday it always makes so much sense to me in my work. After all, without a good foundational idea that drives the project forward, it would be directionless, and wouldn’t deliver a successful result.

Equally, without any ‘decorative’ layers such as drone shots, I wouldn’t be able to capture and introduce an entirely different scale or dimension to the footage that gives it further depth & that ‘special’ or ‘captivating’ quality that all good videos need. It takes time and plenty of practice refining this (my) particular recipe, but it’s all worth it in the end, and because of the effort I’ve put in, I’m able to deliver for my clients each & every time.

This was inspired by baking a cake (all be it a Betty Crocker cake) with my 2-year-old yesterday, which was an interesting experience... I’m curious, what does your ‘work recipe’ look like? How can you improve your recipe?

James Ibbitson, Visual Punch


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