Durham Council have launched an initiative engaging PAM Assist to provide support services to small and medium sized businesses within the Durham area.  This service is entirely free for small and medium sized businesses to use.  The purpose of this note is to encourage you to use this service which has been provided.

By calling the Freephone number: 0808 196 3863 businesses have instant access to PAM Assist a 24 hour confidential support service for both yourselves and your employees.  Callers will be able to access specialist advice around a number of issues:

  • Including stress, relationship issues, family difficulties, bereavement, financial issues, consumer or legal issues and information.

Other support measures on offer to businesses include:

  • Telephone counselling, access to self-help tools and links to other appropriate services that can help to protect your health and wellbeing.
  • You can have confidence in using PAM Assist as it is part of a family run business itself providing many services to business including, Wellbeing services, Occupational Health, Physio and specialist diagnostic services to a wide client base including the NHS.

We are happy to provide any further information that you would like and assure you of our confidentiality in all things.

Looking forward to working with you.  Remember free support is just a phone call away!


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