When we are talking to customers we need to remember the importance of tailoring benefits to our customers' needs.

What I mean is, don't just reel off a load of pre-ordained benefits that will have absolutely no effect on your potential customer. You need to keep asking yourself "so what will this mean for my customer?" and if you do this often enough it will become second nature.

"I can help you write your sales strategy." SO WHAT?

Well, what this means for you is I can take the time to understand your business needs and come up with a tailored strategy that will see you save time and money, increase your sales helping you to scale your business quicker.

"I can help you fall in love with selling." SO WHAT?

By helping you change your mindset around selling and giving you a clear roadmap to follow, you will feel more empowered to go out there and ask for the sales rather than wait for them to come to you.


This will mean you waste less time on each sale, which will allow you to go after more sales, which will help you scale your business more quickly if that's what you want. The important factor is it will be easier for you to do and take away some of the stress of running your own business.
So go away and think about your 'So What?' answers are.

Moira Barnes, Moira Barnes Sales Consultancy & Training


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