Everyone at NHS County Durham Clinical Commissioning Group (the CCG) hopes that you have been keeping safe and well during the recent weeks and months.  We wanted to share an update on a particular project that so many local people helped contribute to last year, as well as let you know about what will be happening moving forward.

Since the last period of public engagement finished in May 2019, the CCG have taken on board comments that people made.  We have applied particular focus to considering a broader range of services that could be provided in the future, such as low level Mental Health and a broader range of well being services.

Understandably, this work has been disrupted over the past few months.  But all of the partners involved remain committed and determined to keep moving forward together.  As a result, the CCG and other local partners are planning to undertake a further programme of engagement during the autumn of 2020.  This engagement will be focused on the views of local people, helping us to re-visit the review of the clinical model and inform future services and their delivery.

We will also provide a plan on when the subsequent public consultation will start and how you can get involved in the conversation.  So please keep a look out for the information when it comes out and where possible we are always grateful for your help and support in sharing this with friends, family and colleagues.

You can download the Shotley Bridge Hospital Engagement Report here.


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