A win-win offer! Get a blog written for your business and a local student gets valuable work experience.

We hardly need to mention that student work placement opportunities have been severely affected by the Covid-19 crisis and we'd like to help.

We are giving DBN members an opportunity to have a business blog article written by a local school student to help give them an insight into their local business community. All you need to do is to give some of your time telling them about your business and what you are looking for in a blog article. Christine Thomas of Everything English Education Consultancy has kindly agreed to check over each blog before it comes back to you to ensure it has real business value.

And its a great way to let your customers know that you care about your local community by telling them the background to your blog article and how it has been written by a local student. If you can help, please email us at connect@dobusinessnetwork.com.


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