#FREEDAY is a wonderful idea which launched last week, and was started  by Michael Owen.  DBN member Gillian Fortune has since joined in too and it is growing every day. We can all get involved and pledge to offer our time, expertise and wisdom for free to help support other businesses. 

Here is what I'm doing . . .

Every Friday in April, May and June 2020 I've reserved 3 x 45 minute digital meetings via Zoom or Skype.

I can help you with any questions you have around Visually Communicating your Brand, Products or Services. We can explore ideas together and come up with creative solutions. Let’s connect, look at your vision and empower you to take action.

So . . . how can I help you?

Send me a direct message to book your free session. 

And . . . who will you help in return?

Why don’t you join in with #FREEDAY too by posting about the special skills you’d like to offer for free on a Friday to help others, remember to include the hashtag #FREEDAY.

Ann English, Create Intrigue: Hello@annenglish.co.uk.

Take a look at the video here.


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