Sharron Skeen (Westwood Accountancy) has put together a simple cashflow forecast template.  It’s not designed to be super sophisticated, it’s so people can track their daily cashflow and input where they think they may have payments/receipts in the future so that they can track their cash and see if there are likely to be any issues.

Hope you find it useful!

Sharron is also happy to help answer any questions, if she can, regarding the various claims which are going round at the moment.  Not sure if you are aware but the guidance for employers has been updated recently to say that the 80% claim is based on an employee’s salary as at 28th February and also includes being able to claim for Employers NIC and the minimum pension auto-enrolment contributions.  HMRC are still saying that the portal to claim won’t be up and running until the end of April though.  For tax purposes, the Grant payments must be included as income in the business’s calculation of its taxable profits for Income Tax and Corporation Tax purposes, in accordance with normal principles.

A big thank to Sharron - we really appreciate your help!


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